Cat® Product Link™

Cat Product Link Device

The Cat Product Link Devices (PL241) target all machines for the customer’s enterprise and job site. This includes the customer’s mix fleet of SEM product and could be a solution for multiple brands of customer’s construction machines in the job site.

The PL241 leverages cellular networks, it is intended to offer hours and location information and it is a low-cost entry point for customers to take advantage of Cat Product Link technology.

In the growing of utility customer segment, the well fleet management and low operation cost requirement are becoming more important for customer’s business; it could help dealers establish a long-term relationship with customer to ensure the maximal of machine access, support long term parts growth strategy, quickly respond for machine failures, better understand machine reliability and capture the potential resale opportunities. 

Key Features & Benefits

PL241 offers:

  • Hours & location
  • Engine start/stop time recording, geo-fencing (Only applicable to machine with VisionLink subscription)
  • Reports data from locations covered by cellular communication (The PL241 performance is related to the telecommunication supplier’s signal coverage in territory)  

User Values:

Since customers are concerning about the operation cost, efficiency and safety aspects of the equipment, PL241 could help customers on-

  • Effectively manage the assets utilization efficiency by the instant data from PL241 which highlights the machine operation condition and location so that customers can manage and maximize the machine utilization efficiency;
  • Change the machine service schedule from periodically to proactively by being automatically and timely updated to information across the fleet;
  • Improve the uptime and reduce the down time by optimizing the maintenance intervals, increase machine availability;
  • Improve the operator efficiency by comparing the productivity and machine operation time under same working condition within fleet;
  • Set up site boundaries and security alerts to inform customers of unauthorized machine movement (Only available after VISIONLINK subscription);
  • Track the machine location as per business requirement and reduce risk of potential loss or damage of machine.

Application Options

  • VisionLink offers a comprehensive remote monitoring and asset management solution with intuitive web interfaces that transform data from a customer's entire fleet of equipment into the essential information required to boost productivity, reduce costs and manage risks.
  • offers a base equipment monitoring experience targeted at retail customers. Cat Daily is the subscription providing access to
  • The complimentary Cat App is the companion mobile phone, tablet and smart watch app for Available in more than 25 languages, the Cat App puts core equipment data at a user’s fingertips.